Jun 22, 2017


Hi there!

Here I'm attaching a series of exams for the PEBAU. Hopefully, they may go for your September exam as well. 🐱 Do all of them!
Enjoy your summer holidays as much as you can!
See you guys soon!

Exam1, Exam2, Exam3, Exam4, Exam5, Exam6, Exam7.

Mar 3, 2017

Relative Clauses

Hi my friends!
This post includes two worksheets for you to practise relative sentences. The type of exercise we are working with is the combination of two sentences using a relative word. Don't forget this is precisely the way you likely are going to be asked to do in the new PEBAU exams.

See you around.

Practice: Exercise1, Exercise2.

Feb 1, 2017

Reported Speech Practice

Hi ya!

I'm including here the set of exercises we have done in class (Exercise1). I'm adding also a new battery of mixed exercises on reported speech (Exercise2). Both sets include key. Enjoy practising: you'll have tons of amusement! 😉


Exercise1, Exercise2.